Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 12, Issue : 2, Year : 2024
Article Page : 146-150
A frenum is a fold of mucous membrane that connects the labial mucosa (lips) to the gingiva or that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth and hence providing support to the lips and the tongue. The normal frenal attachment is at the level of mucogingival junction (mucosal) and hence maintaining a balance between the interproximal contacts of the anterior teeth of either maxilla or mandible. But if this frenal attachment is high or in other words if there is a an aberrant frenum, then this type of frenal attachment either results in spacing between the anterior teeth or in some cases can lead to the loss of gingival embrasure resulting in the creation of black triangle between the anterior teeth. Present case report is on a 38 years old female whose chief complaint was spacing between the mandibular central incisors and upon intraoral examination, it was noted that there was an aberrant frenum which has also resulted in loss of gingival embrasure between the mandibular anterior teeth and hence this aberrant frenum was treated by a process called frenectomy by using a thermal treatment modality called as Laser. Upon follow up after 1 week, there was a reduction in spacing between mandibular central incisors.
Keywords: Central incisor, Gingival embrasure, Black triangle, Aesthetics, Reduction, Frenectomy, Laser
How to cite : Bharadwaj P, Patel R, A case report on the management of mandibular midline diastema by using laser as a treatment modality. J Dent Spec 2024;12(2):146-150
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Received : 22-08-2024
Accepted : 11-09-2024
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